Become a Joy Member
We are on a mission to share more joy with the world and our digital joy audio library enables anyone, anywhere, anytime - to experience joy!
Enjoy Secret Sunrise on the go!
Introducing our brand new Joy Audio Library! Welcome to the world of joy – available to anyone, anywhere and at anytime! Our Joy Snacks are nicely packaged into 5, 10 and 15 minute sessions!
Imagine sitting in your corporate office and sneaking in a 5 minute seated joy snack, uplifting and energizing you right at your desk. Or maybe you are with friends and would like to experience a joy top up together? Perfect! We’ve got you covered!
Choose between Solo, Team, Seated, Joy Peak and Inspiration in 5, 10 and 15 minute sessions.
Become a Joy Member today and enjoy the whole library!
Test 100% Risk-Free with Our 14 Day Trial.
Joy Membership
Monthly$1.99per month
- Joy Audio Library
- Global Playlist Library
- 14 Day Free Trial
Joy Membership
Annual$12.99per year
- Everything as in Monthly
- 14 Day Free Trial
Follow our Global Movement
Follow us at @secretsunrise and stay in the loop with our upcoming sessions!